Tim Valdepena, MS, is the programming team lead for the VectorSurv team. He is responsible for coordinating development and strategic planning. Tim has experience developing software for a variety of domains including machinery diagnostics, medical software, and education, and has a passion for developing software with a positive user experience that helps users do their best work. Email




Jody Simpson is the lead programmer, database manager, and system administrator for the CalSurv Gateway and other computing services hosted at DART. He supports a wide range of research and surveillance projects, primarily in California and Iquitos, Peru. Email




Kurt Johnson is a software engineer. He works with the CalSurv Gateway team to maintain the website, develop functionality, and onboard the growing user base. Email





Shawn Ranck is a software engineer on the CalSurv Gateway team. He develops application features and services for the program’s web-based users. Email



Kylie Pace, MS, is a full-stack software developer specializing in JavaScript, APIs, and database integrations. She started her career in tech at the US Geological Survey and returned to the scientific milieu after several years at tech startups. Email



Lincoln Wells, MS, MPH, is a computational and data science research specialist on the VectorSurv Gateway team and is the database developer for the NIH-funded EpiCenter for Emerging Infectious Disease Intelligence in Peru and Uganda. He has an MS in entomology from the University of Florida and an MPH in epidemiology from the University of Minnesota. Lincoln has worked as a public health entomologist for the Hawaii Department of Health and in vector-borne disease epidemiology for the Hawaii and Minnesota Departments of Health. Email


Christina De Cesaris, MS, is a data systems analyst who focuses on the visualization, validation, and statistical analysis of VectorSurv data. She recently graduated with a Masters in Biostatistics from UC Davis and looks forward to using her skills to develop interactive tools and graphs for VectorSurv. In her free time, Christina reads and writes fiction, shoots archery, and studies nature. Email